Contact Page

Before you contact us, please note:
UK Data protection Law (First introduced as the GDPR2018) requires us to ask for CONSENT to collect, store and in certain circumstances “process” personal data.
Please see our privacy policy regarding Data Protection
By contacting us you agree that we will collect some basic data in the aid of providing a quotation/booking.

PLEASE check that TELEPHONE NUMBER and EMAIL ADDRESS you provide are correct, Without these we will not be able to contact you!
We respond to ALL enquiries, During office hours (10am-7pm) our response time is typically less than 24 Hours.

In some cases, our response email may end up in your spam folder. Particularly if you use a Microsoft provided email addresses such as Hotmail or Outlook.
If you feel the email has got lost, check spam or drop us a quick text on 07518980366 and we will respond.

We have published STARTING PRICES for popular services HERE:
Kind Note: Saturday Evenings are subject to a MINIMUM 5 HOUR Booking.

We are Based in North Shropshire. Contrary to Google’s search suggestion, We do NOT provide services in London/Surrounding Boroughs

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    Copyright © 2024 Happy Sounds Mobile Disco.